Professional Experiences

Why do employers seek experienced people? Have you ever raised this question?
By the end of this articles, you will have understood why, but now, let us start with revealing the importance of this section in your CV.
In this section, you show that you have done something between now and somewhen in the past. Generally between the time you submit your job application to your future employer and the day on which you got your diploma.
What does this section tell about you to your employer?
It gives an idea about:
  • How well you are able to respond to the instructions,
  • How knowledgeable you are,
  • To what extent you can work under stress,
  • How reliable you are,
  • How you deal with complexities.
Someone with one year experience as a receptionist cannot, generally, have been exposed to as much stress and as many experiences as another one whose experience exceeds 5 years…
If your future superior works in a very busy company, he cannot hire a young person with small experience, unless the candidate shows a big potential, and this is why newly graduates are recommended to start their experiences in small companies.
Now that you understand the importance of this section, let me ask you another question:
How should this section be presented in your resume?
There are a number of unavoidable does and don’ts. On the one hand, you need to avoid:
  • Putting wrong information,
  • Spelling mistakes,
  • Missing to mention the company name, location, etc.,
  • Not putting the dates,
  • Repetitions,
  • Mentioning All the experiences not related to the applied-for job,
  • Mentioning too many details.
What you have to put are the following:
  • The experiences related to the applied-for job,
  • Start-End dates of the previous experiences,
  • The names of companies you worked it,
  • The cities/countries you worked in.
I need to clarify one important thing here. If you mention that you worked in a company this way
2004: Engineer
The one who will read your resume will get an impression that you either do not care about or you do not give much importance to details. Not mentioning neither where you worked nor the from-to dates reveal that you are careless and you are far from being curious. Instead, you “MUST” present it this way:
January 2004 – August 2009: Civil Engineer – FDR Company, San Lorenzo Argentina
– (task one)
– (task two)
Below this line, you can give details about what you were doing. The same rule applies to your training. This will give much more information about you, and the HR will not think you are not giving enough importance and time to your resume, because if you do not do so, how can you value the task they will give you?
Experts give much importance to details, unlike those who lack experience. The more careful you are, the more attentive your “default mode” is, and this is the profile every employer seeks in candidates. If you lack experience, please do not allow HR to smell it in your resume.


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